Feature: X-Ray Mag with artist Grace Marquez (September 2023, Issue 120)
Cover photo by Kate Jonker, Magazine layout image by X-Ray Mag, International Dive Magazine

I'm thrilled to be the featured artist in the latest edition of X-Ray Magazine!
Thank you to X-Ray Magazine for the wonderful interview. I had a blast sharing some of my memories and favourite paintings of wrecks, reefs and caves. For the free full issue (including a great article of the best diving in Canada-the wrecks of Bell Island by Brandi Mueller), read it here.
(No time right now? You can also download the full beautiful PDF layout here for reading at your leisure!)
It's not often I'm able to sit and actually reflect on the journey of becoming a diver and artist - a journey that's been intertwined but being able to look back by speaking about my art and seeing it arranged as they've done so, gives me perspective and is very gratifying for me as an artist. I hope you enjoy this glimpse into my motivations, why I paint and what it's been like capturing the world underwater for me. Special thanks to Gunild Symes, of X-Ray Mag for putting out such an informative and beautiful publication! Check it out, there's also an excellent article by Brandi Mueller of Brandi Underwater of my favourite place to dive in Canada - Newfoundland!